The Patum de Berga 2019, a popular and traditional festival that is celebrated each year in the Catalan city of Berga during Corpus Christi. It was declared a Traditional Festival of National Interest by the Generalitat de Catalunya in 1983, and as a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 2005.
The Maces and the Angels, that symbolises the eternal struggle between Good and Evil, and one of the groups from the Patum that took place from the 19. to 23. June 2019.
The Nans Nous (New Dwarves) dance during the Patum.
Salt de plens (Fire Demons), mark the climax of the Patum. The streetlights are turned off and the music starts to play, the square becomes an inferno filled with fire from a thousand firecrackers burning at once.
Petr Hastik doing a human tower (castell) for the first time, on a rehearsal from the group Matossers de Molins de Rei, close from Barcelona.
Toc d’inici (official start of the festivity) from La Mercè 2019 in Plaça Sant Jaume, Barcelona. And human-tower performance by local groups from Barcelona, in the same location, in front of the City Hall, and as part of La Mercè festival that took place from the 20. to 24. September 2019.
Participation in the Correfoc de la Mercè (fire run), with all the devil’s groups from the city of Barcelona and together with the colla (group) La Diabòlica de Gràcia. Montserrat Gardó is on the first pictures with a green handkerchief, Petr Hastik on the last photos with a red handkerchief.
Montserrat Gardó Castillo as devil, in the Correfoc de la Mercè 2019.
Diada Castellera de Firagost 2019 in Valls, Catalunya, with the performances from Colla Jove and Colla Vella de Xiquets de Valls.
The National Day of Catalonia (Diada) celebrated annually on 11 September. It commemorates the fall of Barcelona during the War of the Spanish Succession in 1714 and the subsequent loss of Catalan institutions and laws.

Meeting in the TV3 Studios (Catalan public television) with Jordi Lara, catalan writer, Tenora player (typical catalan instrument) and Journalist specialised in catalan popular culture in TV3.