The Pumping Piece


📷 Ondrej Krejci / Editing: Montserrat Gardó Castillo ©️ 2016

Baudrillard in The consumer society defines the body as a glorified and fetishized (in fact, instrumentalized and transformed into a common merchandise) capital that has to be “fruitful”. These days we tend to approach the concept of body as an appliance for personal development and success, linked to a number of discourses related to the glorification of beauty, health, youth, well-being and happiness.

“Happiness is the truth” (Pharrel Williams)

📷 Ondrej Krejci / Editing: Montserrat Gardó Castillo ©️ 2016

Tanz.tausch festival 📷 MEYER ORIGINAL ©️ 2016

Concept / Choreography / Performance / Music / Video: Montserrat Gardó Castillo & Petr Hastik.
Technical Assistance: Ondrej Krejci.
Dramaturgy assistance and collaboration: René Alejandro Huari Mateus, Bianca Pulungan und Blanca Noguerol.

Piece created with the support from ZAIK (Köln) and Tanzhaus NRW (Düsseldorf). It premiered on the 26. and 27. February 2016, at the festival NOW AND NEXT, from Tanzhaus NRW, and was performed again on the 16. December 2016, at the TANZ.TAUSCH festival, in Alte Feuerwache, Köln.